Parenting videos

Early childhood experts have shared their tips on a range of important parenting topics.

Liz Westover: What types of activities teach young children about maths and numbers?

Annette Sax: How can I tell whether an early learning centre celebrates Aboriginal culture?

Maria Aarts: How can I positively lead my child?

Maria Aarts: How can I support my child's learning through play?

Maria Aarts: What are some effective ways of giving positive feedback to my child?

Shelli Giosis: How do I know when my child's ready for school?

Shelli Giosis: How can I prepare my child and family for kindergarten or childcare?

Anthony Semann: How can I help my child manage feelings of anxiety?

Anthony Semann: How can I manage sibling rivalry?

Eight benefits of quality early learning and care

Anthony Semann: What makes a quality early learning centre for children under five?

Louise Dorrat: What are the benefits of children playing in their natural surroundings?

Loraine Fordham: What are the benefits of quality early learning and care programs?

Loraine Fordham: How can I tell if a kinder or childcare centre is an inclusive environment for all children?

Glenda Grummet: How do I manage my stress levels as a busy parent so it doesn't impact my child?

Anthony Semann: How can I discover what my child is learning in kindergarten?

Anne Kennedy: Introducing new foods to fussy toddlers

Louise Dorrat: Tips for reducing your child's screen time?

Anne Stonehouse: Should children play outdoors in the rain?

Anne Stonehouse: What does 'family-centred practice' mean in an early childhood setting?

Anne Stonehouse: Self-esteem

Dr Louise Porter: Strategies for disciplining children aged five and under

Dr Louise Porter: Tips for settling children into kindergarten and childcare

Kathy Walker: The positive impact on your children when you participate

Glenda Grummet: How can I support my child's mental health and well-being?

Beverly Allen: How do I know if my child is 'ready for school'?

Beverly Allen: How can we continue our child's education and development at home?